

Stackstorm is the framework used to implement an system administrator robot. This robot will be used to execute repetitive tasks and to implement auto-remediation processes.

The main objective is to reduce toil (operational work) and allow real sys-admins to work on long-term engineering projects.

The Stackstorm installation is open-source and using upstream packages of StackStorm which are available on Package-cloud.

This installation also requires a repository for MongoDB, which is not included in latest repositories (for licensing reasons). A repository is provided at

The StackStorm daemons requires some DBs and services to be reachable:

  • MongoDB as the main database. MongoDB URL is configured in /etc/st2/st2.conf, section [database] and this requires configuring a database and the related user on the MongoDB instance.

  • RabbitMQ as the message queue for communication between daemons. RabbitMQ should be configured with a dedicated vhost with a dedicated user. RabbitMQ URL is configured in /etc/st2/st2.conf, section [messaging]

  • Optionnaly, Redis as coordination system between daemons. Authentication should be configured on the Redis instance. Redis URL is configured in /etc/st2/st2.conf, section [coordination]

This reference installation is not higly-available but it may become so.

Additional information is available in the StackStorm handbook.