Version 3.4


Before installing Ocean core packages, you need to install a RPM based distribution.


This version has been build against CentOS 8.4 and we strongly recommand you to use an RHEL 8.4 EUS version if you want to use this distribution in production.

If you want to try Ocean only for test purpose, we provide a snapshot of CentOS 8.4 that you can use.

How to install Ocean repositories

Following instruction will install Ocean repositories on your system.

Define Ocean version

export VERSION=3.4-1.x86_64

Download and install ocean-repos

rpm -ivh${VERSION}.rpm

Import Ocean GPG key (optional)

To avoid import prompt on first Ocean package installation, you have to import manually Ocean GPG key.

rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Ocean

Verify Ocean installation repositories

After these two steps, you should have Ocean repositories installed on your system with its GPG key imported.

  • Check GPG keys import

rpm -qai gpg-pubkey* | grep Ocean
 Packager    : Ocean Project <>
 Summary     : gpg(Ocean Project <>)
  • Check repositories

dnf repolist
  repo id                repo name
  mofed                  Mofed
  ocean-core             Ocean-core

Install Ocean core release

dnf install ocean-release

(Optional) Enable provided repository snapshots

dnf install -y yum-utils
for repo in centos-os-ocean centos-updates-ocean centos-extras-ocean centos-cloud-ocean centos-debuginfo-ocean epel-ocean mofed
    yum-config-manager --set-enable ${repo}

Congratulation, following all these steps, you successfully setup Ocean Core repositories.