.. image:: _static/ocean.svg :width: 400 :alt: Ocean Logo :align: center :target: https://ocean.eupex.eu ################################## Welcome to Ocean's documentation ! ################################## .. toctree:: :caption: Ocean Core :maxdepth: 2 ocean_core/index ocean_core/ocean_container/index .. toctree:: :caption: Architecture :maxdepth: 2 introduction/index architecture/index .. toctree:: :caption: Guides :maxdepth: 2 installation/index administration/index .. toctree:: :caption: Handbooks :maxdepth: 2 deep_blue/index handbooks/stackstorm/index handbooks/dns/index handbooks/kerberos/index handbooks/namespace/index handbooks/n9k_dynamic_routing/index .. warning:: Some sections of this documentation may still be in french, traduction is still on-going. Sorry for the inconvenience. ################## Indices and tables ################## * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` * :ref:`glossary`