DHCP """" Schéma de base '''''''''''''' .. graphviz:: digraph "arch" { subgraph cluster_client { label="Client"; "client_dhcp"[label="Client DHCP"]; } subgraph cluster_client2 { label="Client 2"; "client2_dhcp"[label="Client DHCP"]; } subgraph cluster_client4 { label="Client 3"; "client3_dhcp"[label="Client DHCP"]; } subgraph cluster_client3 { label="Client 4"; "client4_dhcp"[label="Client DHCP"]; } subgraph cluster_chassis { label="Chassis Switch"; "switch_relay"[label="Opt82 Relay to first server"]; } subgraph cluster_chassis2 { label="Chassis Switch 2"; "switch_relay2"[label="Opt82 Relay to second server"]; } subgraph cluster_islet_switch { label="Islet Switch" "islet_router"[label="Router"]; } subgraph cluster_islet_switch2 { label="Islet 2 Switch" "islet_router2"[label="Router"]; } subgraph cluster_top_switch { label="Top Switch" "top_switch"[label="Switch"]; } subgraph cluster_dhcp_server1 { label="Server 1" "server1_dhcp"[label="dhcpd"]; } subgraph cluster_dhcp_server2 { label="Server 2" "server2_dhcp"[label="dhcpd"]; } "client_dhcp" -> "switch_relay"[label="brodcast",color=green]; "client2_dhcp" -> "switch_relay"[label="brodcast",color=green]; "client3_dhcp" -> "switch_relay2"[label="brodcast",color=red]; "client4_dhcp" -> "switch_relay2"[label="brodcast",color=red]; "switch_relay" -> "islet_router"[label="unicast",color=green]; "switch_relay2" -> "islet_router2"[label="unicast",color=red]; "islet_router" -> "top_switch"[label="unicast",color=green]; "islet_router2" -> "top_switch"[label="unicast",color=red]; "top_switch" -> "server1_dhcp"[label="unicast",color=green]; "top_switch" -> "server2_dhcp"[label="unicast",color=red]; } Description ''''''''''' We suggest to use N DHCP servers, where the load balancing is done via DHCP relays in a static and predefined manner. Indeed, the current (and probably also the future) generation of supercomputers require the option 82 (`circuit-id` + `remote-id`). This requires to configure all the switches of each chassis with a DHCP relay. The relays are configured using confiture, and the switches will be able to use different DHPC servers. The N servers will thus all be configured in the same way with the same configuration (generated by confiture), but each one will have a unique service IP address, allowing for static load balancing. .. raw:: latex \clearpage